
"I've noticed that quite a lot of people who are prominent in the animal liberation movement are Jews. Maybe we are simply not prepared to see the powerful hurting the weak." --Peter Singer (Author, Animal Liberation)


Examiner.com Examines Kashrut, Humane Slaughter, Vegetarianism, and More

This past week, Examiner.com featured a three-part series about kashrut by San Francisco chef Eric Burkett.

Tuesday's introductory piece noted that "kosher is big business" and that "3 in 5 people who purchase kosher foods buy them for perceived quality rather than religious reasons."

On Wednesday, Burkett explained why kosher foods aren't necessarily superior in quality and why "buying something labeled 'kosher' doesn’t necessarily mean the product is any healthier, more nutritious, or more pure than the same non-kosher item." He also noted that kosher foods deemed pareve might still contain eggs and fish, which means that "pareve" and "vegan" are not synonymous:
For vegetarians and vegans, kosher certification isn’t necessarily a free-pass, either. Have you ever looked for the word “pareve” on a package and interpreted it to mean the product doesn’t contain dairy or meat products? If so, you’re only half right. Pareve products don’t contain meat or dairy, but according to kashrut, fish and eggs aren’t classified as either meat or dairy. Food can be made with eggs, for example, and still be considered pareve. For many vegetarians, that may not be such an issue; for a vegan, on the other hand, it presents a bit of a problem.
Thursday's finale discussed the AgriProcessors saga and the role of ethics in kashrut. Burkett concluded, "Whether you choose to buy kosher or not, know where your food comes from. What you eat affects more than just your diet."

Kol hakavod to Eric Burkett for educating readers about these issues!


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