
"I've noticed that quite a lot of people who are prominent in the animal liberation movement are Jews. Maybe we are simply not prepared to see the powerful hurting the weak." --Peter Singer (Author, Animal Liberation)


Environmental and Vegetarian Lessons From the Shabbat Morning Service

It's true--Dr. Richard Schwartz, the author of Judaism and Vegetarianism and president of Jewish Vegetarians of North America, has TONS of articles I could blog about. The below just happens to be the most recent:

Environmental and Vegetarian Lessons From the Shabbat Morning Service

Here's an excerpt:

"The message seems clear: if we put God’s teachings into practice and imitate His ways of mercy, compassion, and justice, we will have blessings of prosperity, justice, and peace; however, if we turn to false modern gods of materialism, egoism, hedonism, and chauvinism, we will be cursed with many environmental and other societal problems."

Amen to that!


  • At 9/12/2005 2:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    It makes me sad that there aren't more comments on this blog.


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